Knife cockfighting – The Most Popular Betting Subject Today

Knife cockfighting is a form of betting that is loved by many players. Each participating cock will be equipped with a pair of sharp blade-shaped spurs attached to its legs. Based on this pair of spurs, opponents will encounter kicks that bring great damage. So what is so interesting about this sport that so many people choose it? Together follow the article below to learn detailed information about this interesting sport at

What is knife cockfighting?

This is a long-standing entertainment sport, up to now it has always received trust and choice from many players. Here, the chickens are brought out to compete and determine winners and losers. In this form of competition, the cockfighters will add a weapon to the fighting cock at the right time of maturity, that weapon is the knife spur. This helps increase the drama of the match.

The breeds that choose to participate in cock fighting are usually Peruvian and American chickens. Because this is a fighting cock with a healthy body and a high ability to withstand damage. As for Vietnam, they often choose feathered chickens and purebred chickens. Therefore, each match is so fierce and thrilling that players cannot take their eyes off them.

Cockfighting is a form of betting that is loved by many players

Learn the rules of cockfighting

Understanding the rules of cockfighting will help you come up with strategies to win without having to spend much effort. The rules of this sport include:

  • The match is won or lost when one of the two chickens is knocked down and cannot continue the fight or one of the chickens dies. In case both chickens fall, the judge will see their ability to stand up by lifting and lowering them 3 times in a row. The winner will belong to the chicken that can stand up.
  • A cockfight usually lasts about 10-15 minutes. There are matches that only last 2 minutes because the rooster takes a dangerous blow.
  • Chickens weighing from about 1.5 to 2.5kg will be suitable to participate in competitions. Weight rules are determined before the match begins.
  • In one match Knife cockfighting, the fighting cocks must directly confront each other. In addition to using knife spurs, they must not use any other weapons.
  • Besides weight requirements, cocks must also meet other requirements such as: Clean, healthy and disease-free. Any animal that does not meet these requirements will be eliminated from the match Knife cockfighting.

You need to clearly understand the rules of cockfighting to easily win

Experience in selecting fighting cocks in the match

If you are a lover of Knife cockfighting Then you definitely have to accumulate a lot of experience to bring yourself victory. Some of the experiences below will definitely help cockers a lot.

  • The physical strength of the fighting cock: This is considered the most important factor that determines the win or loss of a fighting cockfight. Cockers choose chicken breeds with strong thighs, wide wingspan, and fast flapping speed. The high winning rate will belong to those who know how to dodge attacks and react to attacks quickly.
  • Health: Choose chickens that are in good health and have no mucus or bad odors in their mouths.
  • Wings: Chickens have a fast beating frequency, a wide and powerful wingspan and fly quickly.
  • Legs: Choose chickens that have solid, strong legs and can stand firmly when dropped from above over the head.
  • Skills when fighting cocks with knives: Carefully consider the fighting skills of that cock by using an opponent to test its striking ability. You can evaluate their skills by watching previous matches to monitor their appearance and feel to evaluate the abilities of the chickens.

Besides, you also need to learn about the fighting history of fighting cocks. Especially the matches where the cocks competed most recently. This will help you have a more general assessment of their abilities in the next matches.

Choose the healthiest cock when playing cockfighting

What are the chicken breeds selected for competition?

The fighting chicken strains often used in fighting cockfighting are chickens with good health and skills. Some typical breeds chosen by many cockers include:

Fighting cocks with knives and breeds Result

This type of chicken is also known by another name, Aseel. In India and Pakistan, this is an extremely good fighting line. Asil is a very elite fighting cock, with a large body. This type of chicken has dangerous moves and very strong kicking power.

Shamo chicken breed

In Japan, this breed of chicken is considered the best fighting breed today. With a muscular body, large size, especially the ability to defend and launch very powerful attacks. Therefore, they are always favored in matches for Knife cockfighting survival. 

Shamo fighting is popular in cockfighting

Like Thai chicken

Thai chicken is a popular fighting cock breed in Thailand. This chicken is characterized by being small and light. However, their nature is extremely aggressive and aggressive. Therefore, they possess very powerful kicks and flexible speeds that can attack suddenly, scaring their opponents.

Learn more about the Hoa Dang chicken breed at

Burmese chicken breed

The Burma variety is also known by another name, Burma, originating from Myanmar. They are characterized by large bodies, long necks and round heads. This breed of chicken can unleash powerful kicks and is very annoying to the opponent. That’s why fighting with this breed of chicken is always popular with many people. 

Burma is very trusted in battles

Why should you choose the stone fighting game at Hi88?

Some advantages of this type of cockfighting that have attracted a large number of people are listed as follows: 

Hi88 streams live cockfighting continuously 

This form of cockfighting betting has a fairly short match duration, so there are many matches taking place during the day. An average match lasts 10 to 15 minutes. This way of playing cockfighting is equipped with weapons so the rope fight will end sooner. Opponents can be injured, or even die right on the field when hit by strong kicks. At this point, the match is considered over and the winner or loser will be determined.

Brings many matches coil suck

If many traditional fighting cock fights don’t satisfy you, then try this cock fighting fight right away. Guaranteed, you will be fascinated from the first moments of the match. Because the chickens chosen for the match are chickens that are physically strong, have fighting spirit and have a lot of experience.

That’s why the matches Knife cockfighting will definitely bring you attraction from the beginning, giving you a feeling of suspense. The more you watch, the more exciting it becomes, you will feel suffocated until the last moment of the match.

Knife cockfighting is extremely attractive

Diverse chicken breeds for fighting

Bamboo chickens are often chosen by brothers in cockfights. In addition, Peruvian fighting chickens – an American chicken breed – are also chosen by many people to attach knife spurs. Each different breed of fighting chicken has different sharpness, fighting strength and skills. Therefore, each match will be attractive and interesting in its own way. Players will have the opportunity to experience satisfying matches with many different levels.

Above is all the information about Knife cockfighting that we want to share with you. It can be said that this is a type of betting that many people love because of its drama and appeal. Hopefully all of the above information will help you gain more experience to bring yourself many victories from your fighting cocks.

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